4 WINDOWS 2009

Komenskeho 4/4 street, Klatovy (CZ)

The Sky above Struhadlo

26th June – 3rd July 2009

We prefaced the first vernissage of The Exhibitional Project 4 WINDOWS by the set of pictures titled The Sky above Struhadlo. Sam made these images right in Struhadlo (the village 10 km West form Klatovy), where Sam the summer atelier has. The pictures don´t sign anything than a beauty of the sky which seems to be running behind the windows. For painting she used wax, aluminium and colour pigments as usually.

This exhibition similar like the whole project should to divet the view from the low consumption culture back to higher aims. The poject is an idirect reaction oposite to insensitive interventions to landscape and whole into a visual culture. Representative example of it is for Klatovy painfull building of new shopping centre Skodovka.


The Summer Puking

3rd July – 10th July 2009

During the week of 3rd till 10th July 2009 were in the windows in Komenskeho street 4/4 installed the objects titled The Summer Puking that in literal translation means overhanging geraniums.

Objects similar like the whole project 4 WINDOWS reflect the interferencies between the public and private space. There is a paradoxal moment, when a woman with the best possible meaning –to decorate the house- places into windows bloosoming flowerpots without respect to architects design. The architect, in better case, projects the house with regards to urbanistic conception, but it is usually flowerless.

Polarity of individual initiative to improve something just done and architects hegemony of „floral stereotypes“ are typical examples of artificial frames of culture, which Sam tryes to ease off in her Vision for a new culture. Vision for a new culure is described in basic documents upper. All projects Sam makes contribute to its practical completion. 4 WINDOWS belongs to them.


n.p. KT (The National Plant Sumavan Klatovy)

10th July – 17th July 2009

The title of set of pictures refers to quite small fabric in Posumavi like a allegory of mechanism that can have a strong influence to human beeing. Sam advisedly for imagine of artificial intervention to bare life doesn´t choose global corporations, whose principles are too abstract in human measuring. She takes out from grey centre, which is seizable, but in whom grey are loosing outlines of responibility, origin, causes and consequences.

The shirts like a primary motif of paintings are products of this fabric and they are coming back to human in intimate affiliation. They are dabbing, warming, sucking up the sweat, they participate in many humans situations. Almost monochromal conduct encode seriality of production despite of it Sam assigned their own expresions and story.

Sam uses a stencil for visual display in this case she modify that further. Using the stencil is chracteristic for Sams work. One of the reason she devotes herself to this medium we can seek

just in The National Plant Sumavan Klatovy where she was before The Velvet Revolution employed as a seamstress. There engendered her first artworks influenced by this area.

These paintings are paraphrase of design, utilitarity and individuality.


The Projection

17th July - 19th July 2009

Last one projection of the 4WINDOWS project intervenes in to public space at least. It takes place at the borderline surface, -the sheet of glass- fitted by translucent non-transparent material, which by the film picture separate two worlds -homely- (in a way safety and orderly) and -outside- (chaotic and erratic).

One of the short movies follows the relationship of two persons and focusses at stereotyped pattern of behaviour of movies participants. They aren´t judged, but they are showed in their necessary and

unescapable being. We can easily to hull encapsulated moments from the movie in which we can spot well known situations from own experience.

The second short movie engendered during the project and it is documentary based. Both videos are representatives of see above mentioned worlds and representatives of simulation and authenticity. There is possible to get an impression that the -homely- world is less cognizable world thanks to incommunicative situations than the -outside- world which we have to assimilate better flexible.

There is special for both movies the size upright adaptation. There is good during the movie watching to realize the process of digitalization of reality to 2D and its consecutive optical redesign.


The Summer Puking

3rd July – 10th July 2009





During the week of 3rd till 10th July 2009 were in the windows in Komenskeho street 4/4 installed the objects titled The Summer Puking that in literal translation means overhanging geraniums.


Objects similar like the whole project 4 WINDOWS reflect the interferencies between the public and private space. There is a paradoxal moment, when a woman with the best possible meaning –to decorate the house- places into windows bloosoming flowerpots without respect to architects design. The architect, in better case, projects the house with regards to urbanistic conception, but it is usually flowerless.


Polarity of individual initiative to improve something just done and architects hegemony of „floral stereotypes“ are typical examples of artificial frames of culture, which Sam tryes to ease off in her Vision for a new culture. Vision for a new culure is described in basic documents upper. All projects Sam makes contribute to its practical completion. 4 WINDOWS belongs to them.